Budgeting Faithfully Hello World

Hello world!

Hello World! Welcome to my new and improved blog website. I previously wrote blogs on BudgetSpendLive.com and Forth-telling but it became really difficult to maintain two really great blogs. Therefore, I have combined my love for blogging about budgets and faith into one great blog. BudgetingFaithfully.com will now provide all this great content.

New Website

With this new website in addition to helping folks learn to budget, I want to encourage everyone to grow spiritually to be closer to God by reading his love letters to us – The Holy Bible.  Remember God had a lot to say about our finances.  In fact, in speaks about it more than 800 times in the Bible.  God was more interested in our salvation but it was also interested in Christians being good stewards over all that he provided. Therefore, I am passionate about both of these subjects.

Budgeting and Faith

With Budgeting and my Faith being my two biggest passions, it only made since to combine them.  I budget religiously and the Lord has a big influence how I spend our money.  God talks about being a slave to the lender which encouraged me to look at debt in a whole new way.  True financial freedom requires us to let go of our ‘buy now pay later’ attitudes.  Even when we earn enough to cover our expenses, many of us are just one paycheck away from disaster.  I want to encourage all to be good stewards over their finances and it starts with a budget – your spending plan for life. Reading God’s word will guide our walk with him and influence how we spend and share our money the right way.

Financial Security

Hello World! The end game here is to become financially secure. I will always provide practical and basic information I gain through my 30+ years of budgeting that has allowed me to become debt-free with an outstanding credit score.

Thanks for allowing me to help you in any way that I can.


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